The Hidden Dangers of Ethanol Fuel

There is a hidden danger in the use of E-85 fuel (fuel that is 85% ethanol) that has not been publicized and will become a serious issue in the future as its use spreads. That is that ethanol mixes easily with water, environmentally conscious consumers will fill their tanks with E-85 in vehicles not properly…

Saving on High Fuel Costs

High fuel prices are on everyone’s mind these days. We all want to squeeze every mile we can out of each gallon of fuel. How to do so is a question we are asked a lot. Here are some tips on how to do just that. First, the tires are very important, both inflation and…

Tire Safety

We all know that the number one issue with tire safety is maintaining proper tire pressure. It also happens to be the number one issue when it comes to maximizing fuel economy. A new threat to safety relating to tires has recently come to light with the revelation that aged tires are being sold every…

Room to Live Video – The Importance of Seat Belts

We all know that seat belt use saves lives. So much so that states have seen fit to make it the law requiring use of seat belts. Yet so many people still refuse or just forget to use them. When I was younger (late 70’s) I rarely used them as well even after going to…

Car Advice for the Yuma Desert Heat

The Arizona desert is heating up in Yuma County again. There are several reasons to maintain your car for the Yuma heat. Preventive vehicle maintenance is important for your safety, time, and pocketbook. The desert heat can cause rubber to crack, clamps to loosen, cooling systems to overheat, tires to fail and much more. Auto…